Welcome to Legacy Solar!

 Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source.  Whether you choose to provide your own electricity with a photovoltaic system or to heat your domestic water or home with a solar thermal system, you can feel proud that you have made an investment in the future.  Every day that your system produces energy, you are reducing pollution and your home energy bills as well.

 Legacy Solar is committed to serving northwestern Wisconsin as a full service solar energy provider.  Our services assist you at every step of the process from consultation and the initial site assessment to a professional code compliant installation.  We will assist with everything needed along the way including acting as a liaison to your electric utility company and assisting in all funding application processes.
Legacy Solar began in 2002 with a desire to provide clean energy sources and further the principles of sustainability.  In addition to designing and installing solar energy systems, we also provide education services.  We teach a variety of solar energy classes through the Midwest Renewable Energy Association.  You can find a complete list of course offerings on their Training Page.

Clean Energy Legacies for a Sustainable Future